Show training

Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions

training code: AZ-400 / ENG DL 4d / EN
Authorized Microsoft Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions  AZ-400  Distance Learning training.


Target audience:
  • administrator
  • developer
  • DevOps engineer
For more information, please contact the sales department. For more information, please contact the sales department.
4,250.00 PLN 5,227.50 PLN with TAX

The training is addressed to people interested in improving their knowledge and skills from DevOps processes, as well as people interested in taking Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification exam.

The course is recommended to:

  • developers
  • administrators participating in projects related to developing new applications.

The course includes such issues as :

  • making use of source code control, scaling Git for enterprise, as well as implementing and managin infrastructure.
  • implementing continuous integration in  Azure DevOps stream, managing code quality and security rules, as well as  container building strategy.
  • designing release strategy, configuring workflow of version management and implementing appropriate implementation pattern.
  • designing strategy of dependency management, as well as security and compliance management.
  • implementing infrastructure of code and infrastructure, providing Azure infrastructure using popular automation tools, implementing application infrastructure using various Azure platform services, as well as implementation methods, integrating external tools to implement Azure platform such as Chef and Puppet to involve compliance and security  in release stream.
  • designing system feedback mechanisms, implementing the process of conveying system opinons to development teams and optimising feedback mechanisms.
  • planning transformations, choosing the project and creating team structure, developing quality and security strategy, planning migration and consolidation of artefacts and source control

Gaining knowledge and practical skills from Office 365.


  • Advantages of using source control, migration from TFVC to Git, scaling Git for Enterprise DevOps, implementing and managing compilation infrfastructure, application configuration management and sensitive data storage,DevOps mobile strategy
  • Why continuous integration matters, implementing continuous integration using Azure DevOps, Configuring compilation and available options, creating automated workflows, integrating other tools for compilation with Azure DevOps platform, developing processes of hybrid code quality and methods of its measurment, detecting suspicious code, integrating automated tests of code quality, report related to code range during testing, tools to measure technical debt, detecting problems with Open Source licenses, as well as other licensing issues, implementing the strategy of building containers
  • Differences between release and implementation, defining release stream components, about the things which you have to pay attention to when we design release strategies, classifying releases compared to the proces of releasing and controlling their quality, dealing with comments on release and documentation both in traditional and contemporary meaning, selecting release management tools, terminology used in Azure DevOps and other tools for release, understanding what Build and Release is, classifying the agent, queue and pool of agents, the necessity of several release tasks  in one release stream, differentiating between release tasks for many agents and many configurations, the use of changeable versions and stage variables in release stream, remote implementation in environment using service connection, embedding testing in preparation, various ways of verifying the state of stream  and release using alerts, service hooks and reports, creating release gateway, implementation patterns, implementing Blue Green deployment, Canary Release deployment, implementing progressive exposition
  • Tools and practices of managing components, generalising packages which enable sharing and reuse, verifying base of codes to identify code dependencies which might be converted to packages, Identifying and recommending standard types and versions of packages in the whole solution, existing streams to build refactor to implement version strategy which publishes packages, security and compliance management, verifying  open source software packages in terms of security and compliance with licenses to adjust tchem to corporate standards, configuing structuring stream to safely access package channels
  •  Using infrastructure and configuration as a code rule, implementing and managing infrastructure using  Microsoft automation technology, such as ARM schemes, PowerShell and Azure command line interafce, implementation models and services  available in Azure, implementing and configuring Managed Kubernetes cluster, placing and configuring infrastructure using tools and services of other companies using Azure platforms, such as Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack and Terraform, infrastructure strategy and configuration, as well as appropriate tool sets for release stream and implementing compliance and security in application infrastructure
  • Project practices to measure end-user satisfaction, designng processes to intercept and analyse users’ opinions from external sources, routing design for data of Client’s application failure report, recommended monitoring tools and technologies, suggested tools to track the use of system and functions, configuring integration failure reports for Client’s applications, developing monitoring and state panels, routing implementation for data of Client’s application failure, implementing tools to track the use of the system, the use of functions and flow, integration and configuration of ticketing systems with the development team work management system, analysing alerts to determine baseline, analysing telemetry to determine baseline, reviewing current websites nad intercepting opinions on system failures, performing constant tuning to diminish irrelevant or unfit for operation alerts
  • Planning transformation with shared goals and timelines, choosing  the project and specifying project indicators, as well as KPI indicators, creating the team and effective organisational structure, designing project quality strategy, planning secure development practice and compliance rule, migration and artefact consolidation, migrating and integrating source control means


Learning Path 1: Implement development for enterprise DevOps

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps

Module 2: Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards

Module 3: Design and implement branch strategies and workflows

Module 4: Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos

Module 5: Explore Git hooks

Module 6: Plan foster inner source

Module 7: Manage and configure repositories

Module 8: Identify technical debt

Learning Path 2: Implement CI with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions

Module 1: Explore Azure Pipelines

Module 2: Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools

Module 3: Describe pipelines and concurrency

Module 4: Design and implement a pipeline strategy

Module 5: Integrate with Azure Pipelines

Module 6: Introduction to GitHub Actions

Module 8: Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions

Module 9: Design a container build strategy

Learning Path 3: Design and implement a release strategy

Module 1: Create a release pipeline

Module 2: Explore release recommendations

Module 3: Provision and test environments

Module 4: Manage and modularize tasks and templates

Module 5: Automate inspection of health

Learning Path 4: Implement a secure continuous deployment using Azure Pipelines

Module 1: Introduction to deployment patterns

Module 2: Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles

Module 3: Implement canary releases and dark launching

Module 4: Implement A/B testing and progressive exposure deployment

Module 5: Integrate with identity management systems

Module 6: Manage application configuration data

Learning Path 5: Manage infrastructure as code using Azure and DSC

Module 1: Explore infrastructure as code and configuration management

Module 2: Create Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates

Module 3: Create Azure resources by using Azure CLI

Module 4: Explore Azure Automation with DevOps

Module 5: Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC)

Module 6: Implement Bicep

Learning Path 6: Implement security and validate code bases for compliance

Module 1: Introduction to Secure DevOps

Module 2: Implement open-source software

Module 3: Software Composition Analysis

Module 4: Security Monitoring and Governance

Learning Path 7: Design and implement a dependency management strategy

Module 1: Explore package dependencies

Module 2: Understand package management

Module 3: Migrate consolidate and secure artifacts

Module 4: Implement a versioning strategy

Module 5: Introduction to GitHub Packages

Learning Path 8: Implement continuous feedback

Module 1: Implement tools to track usage and flow

Module 2: Develop monitor and status dashboards

Module 3: Share knowledge within teams

Module 4: Design processes to automate application analytics

Module 5: Manage alerts, blameless retr

  • Fundamental knowledge about Azure platform, version control, rozwoju oprogramowania Agile software development and basic software development rules. Experience in organisations providing software is strongly recommended
  • Experience in IDE environment as well as certain knowlege on Azure portal are advised
  • An ability to use materials in English
  • previous courses: AZ-104, AA_10961

To make work more convenient and training more effective we suggest using additional screen. Lack of extra screen does not make it impossible to participate in the training, but significantly influences the convenience of work during classes

Information and requirements conerning participation in distance learning trainings is available at:

* electronic handbook available at:

* access to Altkom Akademia student portal



  • Training: English
  • Materials: English

The exam is on-line. You can enroll at:

After the AZ-400 course, you can take Microsoft certification exams:an Authorized Test Center,online being monitored by an offsite proctor. Details on the website: