Professional Certificate in UI Design
training code: PCUI / ress / EN
What you will learn: UI design
Duration:12 weeks
Commitment: 3 hours per week
Format: Online, self-paced
Who is this programme for?
- Graphic and digital designers who want to upskill to UI design
- UI designers who want to strengthen their knowledge and craft
- UX professionals who want to become more rounded product designers
- Anyone looking for a job in tech who is visually minded with an eye for detail
What will you get from the programme?
- The skills needed to design beautiful, pixelperfect interfaces
- An understanding of the ‘why’ of good UI design and the principles behind it
- A university credit-rated qualification that’s valued by employers globally
Programme syllabus
- Introduction to UI design
In your first module, you’ll gain an understanding of the fundamentals of UI elements and design systems. You’ll learn why good UI matters and understand the role of UI design in the UX process. You’ll also recognise the effects of poor UI and begin learning how to avoid it in your designs.
- Brands and personality
Understanding how to infuse a brand’s personality into a design is a core skill for a UI professional. In this module, you’ll learn how to bring a brand to life through typography, colour, layout and more. You’ll discover the impact of simplicity in UI design and how it affects the user experience.
- Layout
In this module, you’ll become familiar with the fundamentals of layout. You’ll learn techniques that bring balance and order to an interface and, in turn, improve the user experience. Finally, you’ll understand how to design responsively.
- Design principles
This module will bring you through the core principles of design. You’ll learn how these principles impact the user’s psychology, and you’ll recognise their role in creating effective, successful products.
- Interactivity
This module focuses on understanding the interactive nature of digital products. You’ll recognise the different components and states used in interfaces and what they mean to the user. You’ll learn how to incorporate these elements into your designs to create easy-to-use, intuitive UIs.
- Typography
Typography is a core feature of any design, from navigation and headings to labels and hyperlinks. In this module, you’ll learn to master this timeless skill. You’ll discover how best to apply typography in all aspects of design and visual communication.
- Colour, shapes and effects
This module will guide you through the use of colour, shape and effects in UI design. You’ll learn the role these elements can play in aiding communication and usability, expressing brand personality, directing attention and more.
- Iconography and imagery
Iconography, illustration and imagery are the visual language of UI design. In this module, you’ll learn how to use these elements to communicate with users, bring brand values to life and enhance your designs.
- Design process
In this module, you’ll learn how to approach a new UIdesign project. You’ll recognise the importance of excellent communication in achieving an efficient workflow. You’ll learn how to interpret wireframes and become familiar with each step of the design process.
- Presenting designs
In your final module, you’ll learn how to present your designs. You’ll recognise the importance of supporting your design choices with a solid rationale and evidence of user testing. And, you’ll learn how to improve the handover process.
We do not require any prerequisites.
Programme overview
- 10 modules covering the best UI practices
- Follow a 3-month structure or set your own pace within 6 months
- Ongoing support from our Student Success Team
- Short exercises for hands-on practice
- A final assignment to test your new-found skills
- Regular group sessions for assignment feedback and advice
- UX Insider live events connect you with world-class experts
- English
How you will be assessed:
- 1 final assignment – 6 short exercises
- Design a responsive website, desktop and mobile app
- Continuous support from course mentors
The assignment accounts for 40% of your overall assessment.
The exam makes up the remaining 60%.
• 1 online exam, lasting 60 minutes
• Once course is completed, the exam can be taken whenever you like
• Monitored and observed by an external examination company