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Lean IT® Foundation with exam LITA 2015 Foundation Certificate

kod szkolenia: ZP-LIT-FXen / ENG DL 2d
training assurance
W celu uzyskania informacji skontaktuj się z działem handlowym. W celu uzyskania informacji skontaktuj się z działem handlowym.
3 000,00 PLN 3 690,00 PLN brutto

Lean IT Foundation

The training is intended for all the people interested in designing and optimising processes present in organisations providing IT services, in particular:

  • Owners and process managers

  • Analysts

  • Executives and IT managers

  • IT teams’ leaders

  • Project Managers

  • All who are interested in understanding Lean IT principles

  • All who are interested in obtaining Lean IT Foundation certificate

The so called „Lean Management” has been applied successfully in branches related to production for many years. The rules of producing different goods, with a most optimal use of time and resources, might also be implemented in IT departments using the achievements of the fields which are more experienced and longer history than IT branch which is rather young. Lean IT Foundation helps IT organisations understand how to optimise actions to provide its clients with the best services possible. By understanding the value for the Client, processes which deliver the value, way of managing performance, a method of organisation, as well as required approach and behaviour, IT organisations develop the work culture based on continuous improvement. Lean IT is a perfect supplement of other good practices and various methodologies (for example ITIL), which are completed with Quality Management. The course finishes with Lean IT Foundation certificate exam, which not only is a proof of knowledge and skills, but also a preliminary condition of taking part in more advanced Lean IT trainings.

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic information about Lean (history)
  3. Key Lean principles
  4. Lean IT characteristics
  5. Lean IT structure
  6. The role of a Client
  7. Processes
  8. Performance
  9. Organisation
  10. Attitudes and behaviour
  11. Kaizen
  12. Preparation for exam
  13. Lean IT Foundation exam

Knowledge of IT terminology and experienced in working in IT. Knowledge from ITSM area (Service Management, ITIL, ISO20000)

A command of English language to the extent which enables at least understanding written texts. Training materials and exam are available only in English language.

  • Training: English

  • Materials: English

  • Exam: English

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